Why a Vinyasa and Yin Yoga Teacher Training in Bali Should be Your First Choice-Inneryogatraining

Why a Vinyasa and Yin Yoga Teacher Training in Bali Should be Your First Choice

You know those days; you’re feeling really tired and maybe a bit stressed. You drag yourself out of bed and fuel up on coffee before rushing off to work.

As a yogi you will naturally be drawn to a yoga practice that reflects the type of person you are.  Those who are more active will seek out a more dynamic vinyasa style while those who are quieter and more sedentary will be instinctively drawn to a quieter vinyasa yin yoga teacher training in Bali practice.  It’s often the yoga style that we resist that we actually need.  So which yoga practice is best for you and how do you know?

Why a Vinyasa and Yin Yoga Teacher Training in Bali Should be Your First Choice

You know those days; you’re feeling really tired and maybe a bit stressed.  You drag yourself out of bed and fuel up on coffee before rushing off to work.  You have a full day at work – busy again, mind racing.  Then you rush off to a vinyasa yoga class to push yourself some more, even though by this stage you’re feeling totally exhausted.  Sound familiar?  

So many of us are living stressful lives and it’s hard to slow down and find stillness in the day. It is these days that a slower, more mindful yin yoga class can be the perfect antidote rather than a vinyasa class.  By the same token, some people are very stagnant in their jobs, sitting all day at desks and a vinyasa yoga class is better for them to get their energy moving around their body than a still yin yoga teacher training practice.

As a yogi you will naturally be drawn to a yoga practice that reflects the type of person you are.  Those who are more active will seek out a more dynamic vinyasa style while those who are quieter and more sedentary will be instinctively drawn to a quieter yin yoga practice.  It’s often the yoga style that we resist that we actually need.  So which yoga practice is best for you and how do you know?

It’s all about balance!  The beauty of completing a vinyasa and yin yoga teacher training in Bali with Inner Yoga training is that you will learn to identify which style of yoga practice can actually balance you and what you need on any given day.  Some yoga students who are really energetic and restless can find it challenging to be still and quiet during a yin yoga practice.  But that is precisely why they need it!  To calm the mind and practice being still.  To stop running, achieving and striving.  It helps calm and relax their body, nervous system and mind.

On the other hand, the students who have less energy, tire more easily and are a bit more sluggish may struggle with a 90-minute vinyasa yin yoga teacher training in Bali practice.  But it’s the more active flowing class that will get their blood and energy flowing and give them more vitality which will lead them to feeling less tired over time.

Inner yoga Training is passionate about bringing balance to their students through these two complementary styles of yoga.  The 200 Hour  vinyasa and Yin yoga Teacher Training in Bali is based on the concept of Yang Yin.  Yang isa doing, active, achieving, striving energy while Yin is a passive, quiet, still, internal energy.  Yang Yin exists in everything, including the human body and in yoga practices.  The beauty of learning about vinyasa and yin yoga together in one yoga teacher training is that you will be able to feel and experience the eb and flow of each practice and how they influence your mood, energy levels and mental and emotional states.

Vinyasa Yoga

Vinyasa yoga is a very popular choice for our yin yoga teacher certification course in Bali and is the main style that Inner Yoga Training uses for its Yang practice.  The practice is timed for first thing in the morning which is the most Yang part of the day.  Vinyasa yoga is an active practice that links poses together in a flow-like way. It is a seamless series of yoga postures that synchronizes movement with the inhalation and exhalation of the breath. There is generally a focus on strength and focus of the mind. Classes will consist of a warm-up, a series of sun-salutations, followed by standing poses for strength and balance, seated poses and inversions. The class finishes with a yummy savasana to integrate the practice. During the vinyasa and yin yoga teacher training you will learn how to sequence and teach a 90-minute vinyasa yoga class.

Yin Yoga

Yin yoga is the perfect practice for stressed, overly-active people and minds.  It works on the deeper connective tissues of the body including the bones, joints, tendons and fascia.  These deeper tissues take longer to respond to stimulus than muscles which is why poses are held for longer – typically 1 -5 minutes.  Yin yoga invites stillness to avoid engaging muscles which is what can be challenging to an over active mind.  Yin yoga encourages us to be an observer of our emotional, mental and physical experiences while staying in stillness.  It teaches us to accept whatever arises without trying to change or judge it, which is supported by mindfulness techniques.  You will learn all the yin poses with variations and mindfulness techniques during the 200 hour vinyasa and yin yoga teacher certification as well as sequencing and teaching techniques.  Classes are timed for the afternoon or yin part of the day.

Once you complete a vinyasa and yin yoga teacher training in Bali with Inner Yoga Training, not only will you be able to teach both styles of yoga (separately or together in one class) but you will have a complementary set of practices that you can use in your own life to give you balance and calmness.