Yoga Teacher Training Bali

5 Tips To Help You Plan Your Yoga Teacher Training

5 Tips To Help You Plan Your Yoga Teacher Training in Bali

Yoga is something that not only benefits you health-wise but can also help you get a break into the healthcare and fitness industry in the post-pandemic world. Today, a large chunk of the population is teaching and learning yogic practices around the globe. Teaching yoga lets you stay on the “healthy” track and all the […]

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A Healthy Spine

A Healthy Spine

Spine health is crucial to our overall health, especially as we age. It helps to support our structure and balance and helps us maintain good posture. One way to maintain a healthy spine is to move it in all possible directions on a daily basis. The spine moves in six different directions – flexion (forward

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I Am 200 hour YTT Certified! How Was It, and Now What?

I Am 200 Hour YTT Certified! How Was It, and Now What?

And just like that, I am back home and have become a yoga instructor. Okay, so it wasn’t just like that. In fact, the very opposite. In a good way. My 200 hour yoga teacher training with Inner Yoga Training meant that we spent 22 nights at the gorgeous Azadi Retreat, beautiful lush greenness everywhere,

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Yin Yoga for a Hectic World

Yin Yoga for a Hectic World

We live in a world of constant movement, messaging, deadlines, and noise. Plagued with everyday stresses, anxiety, and uncertainty it can be hard to find yourself and connect to your center. Further, continual reminders of unworthiness and inadequacy through advertising attempts to lead us to believe that the answers we are looking for exist outside

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3 Ways Yoga Can Help Your Career

3 Ways Yoga Can Help your Career

Many yogis travel to top yoga destinations like Bali, India, and Costa Rica to escape from the daily routines of life and embark on a life-changing yoga teacher training or retreat. To be able to practice yoga or become a certified yoga teacher in these insta-worthy locations is a dream in itself, but did you

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3 Reasons why a yoga teacher training in Bali might just be the path for you

3 Reasons Why a Yoga Teacher Training in Bali Might Just be the Path for You

Those of us who don’t appreciate or enjoy strenuous exercise like going to the gym to weightlift or high-intensity cardio tend to look for an activity more calming and relaxing. Something we can easily start our mornings with before work without rushing to get there on time! And a clear choice of light exercise that

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