Inner Yoga Training

Revitalize Your Vision-Inneryogatraining

Revitalize Your Vision: Exploring the Benefits of Yoga for Eyes

These days life has become very modern and it is taking a heavy toll on people’s health. In fact, many people do suffer on account of weak eyesight and fatigue. The possible reasons could be working tirelessly on a PC and developing computer screen strain or watching TV. Even younger kids are prone to eye-related

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Yoga For Bone Health: Poses to Include in Your Winter Routine

People suffer from bone-related issues, specifically low bone density, osteoporosis, and stiff joints in winter. It is due to aging, lifestyle changes, or due to deficiency in nutrient rich foods. So, for tackling such issues, Yoga comes out as a great boon for people. Various yogic poses are specifically made to target such problems. These

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Benefits of Regular Me-Time for Women’s Mental Health

Me-Time is self-care and allows you to feel relaxed and peaceful and worthy of good treatment no matter how anyone else treats you that day. It is empowering and enhances confidence and emotional well-being. However, most women are too busy being mothers, wives, daughters, and working professionals to find much time for themselves. But tuning

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Fun Self-Love Activities

Fun Self-Love Activities: Nurturing Your Emotional Wellbeing

In this fast-paced world, while you can squeeze an hour of the gym into your hectic schedule, an activity related to your emotional well-being might not find any place. Trust us, you ain’t alone. For a majority of us, paying heed to physical and mental fitness is what comprises a healthy lifestyle. However, emotional resilience

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Butterfly Effect in Everyday Life

Small Changes, Big Waves: Butterfly Effect in Everyday Life

Since yester years, we have been hearing the phrase “Actions speak louder than words”. Well, guess what, it has taken the form of a scientifically proven theory – “The Butterfly Effect”.  First propounded by a scientist named Johann Gottlieb Fichtein in The Vocation of Man (1800), the Butterfly effect states that changing something gradually can

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Muladhara Chakra

Unlocking the Power Within: How to Balance Your Muladhara Chakra

The human body has 109 chakras, among which 7 chakras are main and the first three chakras enjoy a special reputation. Each of these chakras has different qualities and emotions linked to it, which can manifest differently depending on whether the chakra is balanced or not. It is noteworthy that a chakra never gets blocked

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